Friday 6 May 2011

Cushions and Covers

Home decor has always fascinated me. My grandmother and my mother used to stitch a lot. They always had a well-kept and well-blended homes - with furniture blending with the colour and decor of the rooms to give it an elegant and peaceful look.

I started out with cushions, one of the easiest things to stitch. A 16 inch x16 inch square has enormous possibilities of creative stitching - Patchwork, applique, embroidery, crotchet, etc caught my fancy. Here are some simple patchwork patterns for cushions.

Embroidery is another thing you can try on cushions. As the area is small, the time taken to finish the embroidery is less. You can choose simple patterns, perhaps floral patterns and embroider the outline.

To start trying out embroidery you need to buy some silk embroidery threads and needles. You will also need a frame to mount the cloth to hold it firm when you stitch.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

The Idea

I am a homemaker and whenever I see a place my mind goes to see how it can be decorated. Whenever I see another house or go to a friends house, I decorate the place the way I like it in my mind. And many people have complemented me on my home and the way I keep it and decorate it.

So in this blog I am going to talk about all the things that I have done to decorate my home. And make a house into a home. It includes patchwork and quilting (stitching) for beds sofas, chairs and cushions, curtains for the windows and doors, gardening, wall hangings, art pieces in the shelves, showcases and anything else to make a home unique and interesting.

Look out for this space in the coming days and months. Back with more soon, till then.